SU Australia chaplaincy services provide spiritual, ethical, and personal support to school communities. SU Australia is the largest employing authority for state school chaplains in Queensland, employing chaplains across more than 850 schools. Chaplains are present in schools at the invitation of the principal, in consultation with the local community, and with the support of the P&C Association. Aspley East State School highly values the contribution that the chaplaincy service makes to our school community.
Introducing Our Chaplain
Our chaplain, Genevieve Walker, came to the role at the beginning of 2023. She is already well acquainted with Aspley East, its staff, and its ethos, as all three of her children attended this school. Genevieve has a Bachelor of Psychology degree and is currently completing a Masters in Primary Teaching.
The Role of a School Chaplain
Chappy Gen fosters a supportive, caring school community through role modelling, mentoring, pastoral care, and structured activities and programs. Some of the programs she runs are a breakfast program, emergency lunches, and lunchtime activities. She is a safe person for young people to connect with at school, providing a listening ear and a caring presence.
Our chaplain works closely with other members of the school's support team caring for students struggling with peer issues, bullying, school behaviour, family issues and wellbeing concerns. She complements the work done by other school-based support staff through operating in the “promotion, prevention and early intervention" space with students, rather than the “treatment and continuing care" space inhabited by other helping professionals.
Student Involvement with the Chaplain
Involvement with the school chaplain is voluntary, with students and families able to choose to access the activities and supports that are available. Parents and carers can request for a student to be supported by the chaplain. Parents will always be consulted if their child requires ongoing support or if they are to participate in any program or group involving spiritual or ethical content.
How can I contact the Chaplain?
Chappy Gen is available at school on Mondays, Thursdays, and Fridays. Appointments can be made through the school office on 3867 2777 or directly with Chappy Gen (see contacts below).
Deputy Principal Mrs. Leanne Smith can be contacted to discuss any issues relating to the chaplaincy service on 3867 2777.
For more information about SU Australia and school chaplaincy go to suqld.org.au.
Genevieve Walker | Chaplain
Aspley East State School
Email: genevieve.walker1@suchaplaincy.org.au Mobile: 0419 801 161