Aspley East State School is a proud independent public school (IPS).
Like all state schools, IPS are an integral part of the state schooling system. They partner with their school community to create and pursue a shared strategic direction that focuses on student wellbeing and improved student outcomes. IPS are required to operate in line with the same legislation, industrial instruments, directives, whole of government policy and national agreements as all other state schools.
IPS are high potential schools, selected on the basis of their ability to clearly demonstrate the ‘distance travelled’ in each year of their operation. While this affords them some operational flexibility to test new ways of working, it comes with an expectation that they will be fully accountable to their community and the department and share innovative practice that lifts the performance of their own school and supports positive change across the entire state schooling system. (Independent Public Schools Policy Framework 2017)
The Education General Provisions Act (2006) as well as DET policies and procedures are utilising to inform our day to day operations. In addition to these our school has developed school based policies, guidelines and operational plans to align with our innovative practice. These has been endorsed by our various governance structures and ratified by the school council and or the Director General.